How to Choose a Toothbrush? Manual or Electric?

How to Choose a Toothbrush? Manual or Electric?

When it comes to oral hygiene, it is highly possible teeth brushing is the first thing that come into your mind. Choosing a toothbrush to fit your needs and comfort while also delivering maximum efficacy can be daunting. And an increase in social media advertisements may persuade you that one is more esthetically pleasing than another but might not be looking out for your best interests in regards to effectiveness.

Which kind of toothbrush is better for you? Manual or electric?

Truth be told, whether an electric toothbrush is better than a manual toothbrush is still in debate. Your best option may be turning to dental professional who can actually evaluate if you and your toothbrush are achieving the level of plaque removal necessary to maintain a healthy mouth. But below are some general guidelines when choosing a toothbrush:

Electric toothbrushes:

Technique: Electric toothbrushes can deliver better plaque removal with the right technique. The key is letting the brush do the work for you. Electric toothbruses are generally easier and more convenient to use. Manipulating the brush head around teeth slowly gives the bristles the time to effectively disrupt the bacteria attached to your teeth.

Cost: You don't have to buy the most expensive one you can find, but at least choose one that is rechargeable instead of battery operated. It will last longer.

Sensitivity: If you care more about sensitivy or sensory issures,  it is better to choose a toothbrush with head or model specially designed for people with sensitive teeth or gum problems.

Manual toothbrushes

Technique: Avoid aggressively scrubbing your teeth. If bristles are flaring out or wearing out quickly, you are brushing too hard. Brush each teeth (or two or three at a time) using a gentle circular movement for a full two minutes like the modified bass technique will achieve the same cleaning feeling with cause damage.

Bristles: Always soft or extra soft.

Both types of toothbrushes can effectively clean your teeth, but consistency is one of the most important factors. Make sure to brush two minutes twice a day and replace your toothbrush every three to four months to ensure optimal oral hygiene.
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